The government sector continue to come up with projects responsive to the people’s livelihood, energy, and agriculture.

The Province of Cebu currently generates anestimated 1,922 Metric Tons (MT) of wasteeach day—37.45 percent of which is classified asbiodegradable, 28.58 percent as recyclable, 32.93percent as residual, and 1.04 percent as special waste.In order to accommodate this waste, the provincehas 22 sanitary landfills, 15 residuals containmentareas, and five facilities that use various methods forthe disposal of trash. Unfortunately, over time, theselandfills could be dangerous.

Waste Management Incorporated (WMI) andHarvest Waste B.V. (HW) proposed the Waste-to-Energy (WtE) project in partnership with the CebuProvincial Government (CPG) which aims to safelydispose of the Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) from theProvince of Cebu’s cities and municipalities.

The proposed project includes planning, design,funding, construction, operation, and maintenance of a wasteto-energy facility, waste collection, the establishment of transferstations, and the establishment of waste ports. With this, the projectseeks to treat 1,200 MT of MSW per day and turn it into electricity.
The proposed project’s location is on a CPG-owned propertyin Barangay Tinaan which is part of Naga City’s Coastal IndustrialCorridor and home to several industrial businesses.The area is easily accessible by boat and car—either via CebuSouth Road or Cebu Strait. Additionally, it has ample access totelecommunications, high-speed internet, potable water, and electricpower.
The collaboration project will be regulated by the principlesin the planning and design of the WtE facility. This shall utilizeMSW as a renewable fuel source and advanced moving gratecombustion technology that complies with national and localenvironmental regulations and criteria. The WtE facility shallhave a 438,000 ton per year treatment capacity.
To increase production efficiency, reduce labor intensity,enhance the working environment, and ensure safe production,it must use cutting-edge, dependable equipment with a higherlevel of mechanization and automation that serves as well toconserve and reuse water, lower internal electricity use, enhanceenergy reuse, and prevent resource waste. Among these, theWtE facility will protect the environment and prevent secondarypollution in accordance with the Philippine Clean Air Act orRA No. 8749 Emission standards.
The major goal of this project is to transport Cebu’smunicipal solid trash and dispose of it in a cutting-edge WtEplant, which will significantly lessen the quantity of leftoverwaste that ends up in landfills by 85 percent.

WMI was established as an internationally competitivecomprehensive solid waste management firm based in thePhilippines on June 15, 2012. Its goal has been to build thePhilippines’ first significant waste-to-energy (WtE) facilitysince its inception. At the moment, it offers local governmentsall services required to abide by Republic Act 9003, or theEcological Solid Waste Management Act of 2000, including endto-end delivery of services for hauling and disposal of MSW.

Meanwhile, founded and operating in the Netherlands,HW is a rapidly expanding business that specializes in creating and managing cutting-edge WtE facilities to replace landfills. HW isa subsidiary of AEB Amsterdam, the Netherlands’ capital city’s publicwaste management organization. HW offers the rest of the world morethan 100 years of WtE plant operations experience as well as more than140 years of waste management expertise. HW powers extensive urbancleanup efforts where they are most needed.